Need a Safe Black Healing Space?

Hey Fam,

After publishing the recent podcast about loosing my brother to addiction, I received some powerful responses about how it moved and motivated you to get sober. There was also talk of struggles with experiencing racism in the recovery rooms.

With December and the holidays upon us, it’s also a very triggering time for those of us raised in abusive, addictive families. This means that our need for support and a sense of belonging is even more important.

The kickback around having safe black spaces has always had its challenges because white supremacy will often shame us into believing we’re practicing ‘reverse racism’.

We need a safe space to address our cultural needs without the gaze of white fragility. No one ever questions men or women only groups that want to explore gender, so this is of course another racist hurdle we have to deal with.

Many of us are so worn down by the pressure to conform, that we end up in inappropriate kumbayah spaces where our needs are ignored, and our historical wounds continue to bleed.

I promised my brother that I would stay committed to my own recovery and serve you by sharing ways to emancipate yourself through personal empowerment and racial sobriety beyond the 12 steps. You deserve the right to enjoy this planet without fear.

That said, if I created a space online for us to have some honest, solution focused conversations about internalised racism, recovery and empowerment would that be of interest to you?

If yes, sign up below on the wait list to register your interest.


Till next time,

With Blackalicious love.




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Helping you heal from internalised racism through personal empowerment and racial sobriety.