The 'Heal and Chill' sessions.
Heal and chill sessions are my immersive, in-person, half-day retreats that include 2 sessions. The first is a healing circle that will explore a therapeutic topic with psychoeducation, support and sharing. The second will include something creative and playful to nurture relaxation, connection and sistahood.
Healing the Black Mother Wound: Managing Mothers Day.
Talking about challenging mother/daughter relationships remains a social stigma in our community and Mother's Day can trigger painful memories along with feelings of anger, shame, isolation and guilt around the relationship. With Mothers Day coming up in the UK on the 10th March, my next support offering is about how to manage Mothers Day in addition to exploring the black mother wound.
This first half of the day will provide a therapeutic, healing circle, with experiential exercises to explore the complex dynamic of what the mother wound means for black women. Be mindful that this is not a mother and daughter experience to do together as it’s important that you feel comfortable to explore the topic freely with the other sista’s.
The second half will provide a nurturing inner child space to reflect, play, chill and chat.
DATE: Saturday 24 February 2024
TIME: 2-6pm
PLACE: Brixton (The venue will be listed after payment 1 week before the event.)
Early Bird tickets are Available till Sunday 11 February. Click the graphic to get your ticket.

THE ART OF RECEIVING: Many of us are locked in a cycle of shame, deprivation and people pleasing as a result of unmet childhood needs. This pattern along with living inside systems of oppression makes it extremely difficult to experience joy, pleasure and abundance in our lives.
In this half day retreat we explored our relationship to receiving and how shame blocks you from the abundance you deserve, what is receiving energy and what tools you should use to raise your vibration to receive more.
With embodied practices and practical tools, we also talked about why our relationship with money is so painful and how to step into empowered financial choices.
As part of the Yard of Greatness 8 year anniversary, you we also heard the powerful stories of those who continue to work with me in the Sacred Sista Sanctuary mastermind and how their lives have changed from doing this tender work.

SACRED SISTA SELF CARE: A racial wellness vision board event. April 2023
This experience was a half day event with 2 workshops designed to help you prioritise your wellness. During the first workshop, we explored what's working now. The second involved creating a wellness vision board to dream, play and connect.

This was my first in-person retreat after COVID and was wonderful to meet new faces and catch up with those already doing the work.

The year before COVID hit, I was privileged to do my first retreat as a joint venture with Faith Agugu at The Royal Senchi in Ghana which is a gorgeous 5 star hotel where Queen Beyonce has stayed! This experience was everything!!!