Greetings Fam, Over the next 7 weeks, I’m excited to be sharing, ‘The Seven Keys to Black Empowerment.’ The actual steps and processes we need to go through in order to end white supremacy from the inside out! In this podcast episode, we’re talking about the the first key which is TRUTH. If we’re going to live […]
Author: June Allen
Great Trigger Hack For Wounded Daughters!
Dealing with an abusive mother can be a never ending trigger fest. Check out this simple hack to keep you balanced and in control.
Self Compassion
One of the characteristics of being out of alignment, is when we lose touch with our humanity. With the endless demands of life and the exhaustion of living under white supremacy, we’re numb to our own basic needs. The result is that we become trapped in the doing instead of staying present in the being. As black women, we’re […]
Recovery Step 2 Reflections
Step 2: Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Many of us have lost hope under the oppressive grind of white supremacy. You don’t trust anyone who looks like you because of the recycled family trauma. You also don’t trust white people because they consciously and unconsciously act […]
When is the right time to start your healing?
‘The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. – Alice Walker. We’re already at the end of January and hopefully, happy holidays have faded into the distance. However, if you’re still seething from the savage reminder of the pain still being recycled around you, how long are you willing to […]
Recovery Step 1 Reflections.
It’s one thing to know that we live under the system of racism, and another to consciously feel it’s devastating impact on our lives. White fear of genetic annihilation has made us prisoners of war inside our black skin. The longer we swallow our oppression, the more unmanageable our lives have become. When we affirm the […]
Are You Scared of Becoming Your Mother?
‘A wounded daughters acceptance of her mother’s inability to love requires willingness and courage. Willingness to accept the truth about her mothers limitations and courage to change the way she responds without self blame.’ This quote is an exert from a series of empowerment training’s I’m writing to honor the wounded daughters of abusive black mothers. We cannot […]
YOG27: The Power of Black Mindfulness with Faith Agugu.
Greetings Family, With the hustle and bustle of the holidays along the juggernaut of white supremacy, it’s important to be able to stay present to what is going on internally. This week, I’m happy to be sharing the podcast space with Faith Agugu. A compassionate, holistic counselor and healer who’s generous with her wisdom on […]
Need a Safe Black Healing Space?
Hey Fam, After publishing the recent podcast about loosing my brother to addiction, I received some powerful responses about how it moved and motivated you to get sober. There was also talk of struggles with experiencing racism in the recovery rooms. With December and the holidays upon us, it’s also a very triggering time for […]
YOG26:10 Ways to Manage Black Pain
Greetings Family, The reason why so many of us struggle under the system of white supremacy, is because we don’t understand our pain or what to do with it. When we’re triggered by all the racist aggression, we deny, avoid and stuff down the emotions in order to cope with the abuse and feelings of […]