One of the things that brought me back into alignment when I felt low and wanting to quit doing my healing work was borrowed hope. Join me in this live as I explain what it meant to me and how you can use this powerful tool to stay motivated and on track.
The characteristics of money trauma? 26/30 Live stream challenge.
Someone in my online community asked what is money trauma, so in today’s live I answer the question and talk about some of the characteristics and how they show up in your money behaviour.
July Events at the Yard? 25/30 Live stream challenge.
In this live I share the tea about what we will be studying in the Sacred Sista Sanctuary Mastermind this month. The Financial Therapy topics are.
6 July: : Money, deprivation and hoarding. Are you being stingy with yourself?
13 July: Money, jealously and envy. Do you find it hard to celebrate others?
20 July: : Confronting your internal oppressor. How does this part of yourself sabotage your abundance?
27 July: : Exploring the relationship between your self worth and your net worth.
How I built my confidence. 22/30 Live stream challenge.
Living inside systems of oppression is a huge issue for many of us so in this live I talk about how I’ve built my confidence over the years both personally and professionally.
Making space for abundance. 10 / 30 Live stream challenge.
Many of us like the idea of receiving and abundant living but are unable to lean into it as a result of a backlog of resentment and grief that is blocking any space for goodness to enter our lives. In today’s live I talk about 2 different kinds of grief and the chaos that stops us receiving what we deserve.
How does the mother wound show up at work?
In this week’s financial therapy session, we’ll be reading Dr Venus’s testimony about the violent relationship she had with her mother and the woman who saved her from the streets. Whilst the details are disturbing, this is also a powerful opportunity to explore how the black mother wound shows up in our relationship to work. Click here to join us in the study circle.
The 5 Stages of Change.
An important part of the healing process is understanding the route to wholeness. Having this awareness is crucial for understanding where you are. In today’s session, I’ll break down the 5 stages of change and what support you need to get you through each one. Click here or details about the Financial Therapy Study Circle.
‘Help, I’m Burnt Out!’
Over the last few weeks I’ve heard a lot of people talking about being burnt out. Many of us are still in denial about the impact of 2 years of COVID lockdowns along with the racial fatigue that is ongoing in everyday life. In this session I share more reasons why you’re burnt out and what to do about it. Click here for more details about my financial therapy study circle.
Should you join my Sacred Sista Study Circle? FAQ.
If you’ve been on the fence about whether to join the Study Circle, todays live will answer all your questions. Is it a book club?
What book are you reading? Are the sessions recorded? How much is it? Why is it only for black women? Is group therapy for me?
Will I need to read the book first? What happens in the sessions? How do I sign up? Click here to join us.
What is money trauma and how can financial therapy help?
When we think about money it’s often within the context of our salary and how we spend it, but are you really aware of the deeper emotional relationship we have with it as black people given our history of being bought and sold like cattle? In this session I talk about money trauma and how financial therapy can help. Click here for info about how to join the Sacred Sista Study Circle.