The things that kept us soothed and safe as children in dysfunctional families can block us from what we need as adults. Journaling can help us identify any recurring patterns, beliefs, and behaviours that no longer serve us. Exploring these experiences compassionately can give us clarity on how the past continues to bleed into the […]
Recognizing Coping Mechanisms
The things that kept us soothed and safe as children in dysfunctional families can block us from what we need as adults. Journaling can help us identify any recurring patterns, beliefs, and behaviours that no longer serve us. Exploring these experiences compassionately can give us clarity on how the past continues to bleed into the […]
Shut Your Inner Critic Up!
Journaling is a powerful tool to unpack, explore and change the relationship with your inner critic which is often in our unconscious chattin’ sh*t. Understanding the intersections of racism, oppression and gender within your family of origin or wider society is an important starting point to explore how we internalise the negative messages at a […]
Umoja (Unity) in sistahood.
My inspiration for today’s live was sparked from one of my favourite influencers, Candice Brathwaite. Candice’s fear and vulnerability during a dentist visit came with unexpected gentleness and care that brought her to tears. This really moved me and brought up reflections on so many of my clients exploring the impact of unmet maternal needs […]
Borrowed hope. 29/30 Live stream challenge.
One of the things that brought me back into alignment when I felt low and wanting to quit doing my healing work was borrowed hope. Join me in this live as I explain what it meant to me and how you can use this powerful tool to stay motivated and on track.
The 4 black women who keep me straight when I’m strugglin’.
Despite all the stuff I share about taking care of yourself, I am human which means that sometimes there are days when I just feel like sh*t. With parenting, college essays and dealing with menopausal hormonal insomnia, things sometimes feel really hard. It’s during these times when I lean on my powerful sacred sista squad […]
Goddesses Gone Wild!
Last week was one of the goddess’s birthday (Yvonne far left) so we gathered at her home to catch up. What ensued was a wonderful evening of food, conversation, dancing and an abundance of silliness that left us with sore jaws. What I learned from the evening is that sometimes you don’t know how much you miss something until […]
‘How can I heal with black women when I don’t trust them?’
One of the most common queries I get in my inbox is from sista’s anxious about healing with other sista’s. This is usually the result of mother wounds, colorism bullying and/or internalised racism. In this live, I share some compassionate tools to help you take the next steps to safe healing with your sista’s. Click […]
Should you join the Sacred Sista Sanctuary mastermind?
It would be easy for me to give 1000 reasons why joining the Sacred Sista Sanctuary mastermind is great, but hearing it from someone who has got so much out of it hits different. In this weeks live, I share more in depth about how the sacred space is helping so many sista’s like what […]
What is emotional safety for black women?
After quite an emotional week last week I felt so grateful for my support network who were able to hold me through the melt down. With so many of the women I work with feeling grateful for the space I hold for them to be vulnerable, I want to share my take on what is […]