The 30 live streams in 30 days was a powerful experience that taught me a lot about myself personally, professionally and the power of community. Join me to hear on day 30 what I learned from this mammoth marketing experience.
Author: June Allen
Borrowed hope. 29/30 Live stream challenge.
One of the things that brought me back into alignment when I felt low and wanting to quit doing my healing work was borrowed hope. Join me in this live as I explain what it meant to me and how you can use this powerful tool to stay motivated and on track.
‘How can I learn to trust myself?’ 28/30 Live stream challenge.
In today’s live I answer a question from one of my mastermind members who wanted clarity around how she can begin to trust and understand herself. Living inside systems of oppression or being raised in an abusive or neglectful household means that many will struggle this issue. Watch, reflect and use the tools to begin […]
A morning meditation for inner peace. 27/30 Live stream challenge.
In a change from all the teaching I’ve been doing throughout this 30 day live stream challenge, today I’m sharing a morning meditation to cultivate some inner peace and calm. Find a calm spot, light a candle and enjoy.
The characteristics of money trauma? 26/30 Live stream challenge.
Someone in my online community asked what is money trauma, so in today’s live I answer the question and talk about some of the characteristics and how they show up in your money behaviour.
July Events at the Yard? 25/30 Live stream challenge.
In this live I share the tea about what we will be studying in the Sacred Sista Sanctuary Mastermind this month. The Financial Therapy topics are. 6 July: : Money, deprivation and hoarding. Are you being stingy with yourself? 13 July: Money, jealously and envy. Do you find it hard to celebrate others? 20 July: […]
Cherish your black body: Part 2. 24/30 Live stream challenge.
In this live, I continue the conversation from part 1 on the importance of cherishing our black bodies and the significance of building relationships within our community. Drawing from personal experiences and observations, we will explore how our internalised oppression can impact the way we treat ourselves and others. By examining these issues, I aim […]
Cherish your black body: Part 1. 23/30 Live stream challenge.
This week I had an interesting experience at a beauty salon and barbers where I gained some new incites to share with you around the relationship with have with black bodies and detachment we have as a result of oppressive systems.
How I built my confidence. 22/30 Live stream challenge.
Living inside systems of oppression is a huge issue for many of us so in this live I talk about how I’ve built my confidence over the years both personally and professionally.
A message to student therapists! 21/30 Live stream challenge.
In today’s live I’m continuing the conversation about the business side of therapy by talking to student therapists. I share all the tea about how to navigate the training as a black student and the reality of how they get exploited and what to do about it.