One of the hardest things about the healing process is letting go of control. Many of us have experienced so much pain, that our lives have become a compulsive mission to control everything around us so that we feel safe. We’re desperate to feel secure because our wiring has been all chaos, unpredictability and mistrust. Staying […]
YOG31: The 7 Keys to Black Empowerment: #4 Understand Your Wound.
Hey Fam, The conversation continues about the 7 Keys To Black Empowerment. The 4th key is to understand your wound. How do you manage your pain? Are you avoiding the responsibility of your own healing by blaming others or obsessing about the white man. This session is all about the importance of staying in your […]
YOG30: The 7 Keys to Black Empowerment: #3 Understand Racism.
Greetings Fam, Today, I’m continuing our conversation about the 7 keys to black empowerment. The 3rd key is to study our enemy. In order heal, we must understand racism. This session will teach you WHAT racism is through the work of Mr Neely Fuller, and WHY racism is here through the work of Dr Francis […]
YOG29: The 7 Keys to Black Empowerment: #2 Use Your Tools.
Many of us are not taught emotional literacy in our families because survival is the default way of being. Feelings are not allowed so you deny, suppress, numb out and react whenever you feel unsafe. Emotional sobriety is our ability to feel and cope with our emotions. This helps us to respond instead of reacting to […]
Self – Intimacy
Recycled racial pain means that intimacy is often confused with self abandonment, smothering and chronic care taking. You co-dependently cram your emotional space with the needs of others in order to belong, connect and feel ‘loved.’ When this becomes a default pattern in your life, being seen then becomes a painful trigger for shame and […]
YOG28: The Seven Keys to Black Empowerment: #1 Truth.
Greetings Fam, Over the next 7 weeks, I’m excited to be sharing, ‘The Seven Keys to Black Empowerment.’ The actual steps and processes we need to go through in order to end white supremacy from the inside out! In this podcast episode, we’re talking about the the first key which is TRUTH. If we’re going to live […]
Great Trigger Hack For Wounded Daughters!
Dealing with an abusive mother can be a never ending trigger fest. Check out this simple hack to keep you balanced and in control.
Self Compassion
One of the characteristics of being out of alignment, is when we lose touch with our humanity. With the endless demands of life and the exhaustion of living under white supremacy, we’re numb to our own basic needs. The result is that we become trapped in the doing instead of staying present in the being. As black women, we’re […]
Recovery Step 2 Reflections
Step 2: Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Many of us have lost hope under the oppressive grind of white supremacy. You don’t trust anyone who looks like you because of the recycled family trauma. You also don’t trust white people because they consciously and unconsciously act […]
When is the right time to start your healing?
‘The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. – Alice Walker. We’re already at the end of January and hopefully, happy holidays have faded into the distance. However, if you’re still seething from the savage reminder of the pain still being recycled around you, how long are you willing to […]