One of the questions I am being asked a lot in session recently, is how clients can grieve the loss of someone still alive? If you have no contact with parents or other family members. this is a particularly complex and emotionally challenging issue that requires professional support, a support network and lots of self […]
Category: THERAPY
Why I love being a therapist! #askjune 20/30 Live stream challenge.
Following on from the previous session about the challenges in this business, today I’m talking about why I love being a therapist!
The Power of Being Heard. 11/30 Live stream Challenge.
Many or us are so used to being silenced that we don’t know how to advocate for ourselves. One of the most humbling things I witness in clients is seeing them find their voice and give themselves permission to speak their truth without judgement. In this live I talk about the power of being heard […]
‘I Can’t Afford Therapy?’
With the cost of living crisis in the UK causing so much concern, here are some ideas to think about if you’re wondering if you can still afford therapy. Click here to join the Study Circle or work with me 121.
The 4 black women who keep me straight when I’m strugglin’.
Despite all the stuff I share about taking care of yourself, I am human which means that sometimes there are days when I just feel like sh*t. With parenting, college essays and dealing with menopausal hormonal insomnia, things sometimes feel really hard. It’s during these times when I lean on my powerful sacred sista squad […]
What is emotional safety for black women?
After quite an emotional week last week I felt so grateful for my support network who were able to hold me through the melt down. With so many of the women I work with feeling grateful for the space I hold for them to be vulnerable, I want to share my take on what is […]
3 Core Holidays Triggers To Manage with Love.
Today, I wanna talk about 3 core triggers to watch out for during the festive season and how to manage them with self love. Manic Energy: With all the shopping, planning, child school invites and all round pressure to always be filled with goodwill for the season, this can quickly lead to anxiety and stress. […]
How to Heal With Black Women When You Were Bullied By Them.
Many of us understand that black self hate and colorism is a huge issue in our community, but many do not understand it’s complexity and how it manifests inside our relationships. In today’s session, I answer a question from a biracial sista who wants to heal with black women, is doing the work, but finds […]
x3 Book Club Blessings.
This weekend (8th December) will be the 3rd Sacred Sista Circle Book Club where we study, ‘Sista’s of The Yam: Black Women and Self Recovery.’ By Bell Hooks. I have to say that I’ve had several emotional moments being in the space where sista’s felt safe enough to begin sharing their truth and finding themselves. […]
Did Your Black Mother Betray You?
So many sista’s suffer around this topic, the guilt around sharing their truth, the backlash from family members and the impact on our ability to parent. A few days ago, I got together with one of my favorite sista’s Faith Agugu to talk about it. Click below to watch the free web class. Click for all […]