I’ve just started a channel on Tiktok and I’m obsessed! If you’re not familiar with it, its a fun social media platform where people lip sync, create dance trends, sing and share content. It’s used by alot of teens and as you can imagine my daughter is mortified LOL!! Dance came up in the Healing Circle […]
Category: SELF LOVE
Graduation Greatness!
A couple of weeks ago I was bursting with pride after hearing the graduation stories from my mastermind mentees. Since January, we’ve worked through my Self Love Essentials Course which empowers them to unpack their pain and build a nurturing relationship with themselves and each other. During the session we recapped each class before sharing […]
Self love lane.
Sometimes, the stories we tell ourselves are fear based, recycled lies from dysfunction family members and internalised racist thinking. We feel unworthy of love and respect because our black bodies are so used to being the space for others to dump their shit. In healing, we learn to separate what belongs to us and what […]
How to be your own best friend.
Being your own best friend is something that needs to be an ongoing commitment if we are to keep well. In this session I share some simple tools to get started or refresh if you’re already on the path. To join the mastermind go to www.join.juneallen.net
How to deal with procrastination.
Mid January is the time that many of us often slack off around the new year promises we made to ourselves so today, I’m talking about 3 simple ways to deal with procrastination. Underneath procrastination is fear calling for compassion so ask yourself what you’re afraid of and work from there. Share your fear with […]
Things to consider before setting racial wellness goals.
Are you struggling with clarity or bringing a cultural flavor to your new year wellness commitments? Before diving into any manifesting, goal setting and vision work, it’s always good to pause and think about how the process can be kept simple and clear. These 7 reflections will help to explore your racial wellness needs with […]
3 Essential tools to help you this year.
With the new year off the starting blocks I’m feeling a bit tentative about what’s around the corner. Do you relate? This COVID mayhem is far from over so I’m keepin it in the day. Also, I’m sharing 3 essential things that helped me stay sane last year (despite all the madness) that will help […]
‘How can I heal with black women when I don’t trust them?’
One of the most common queries I get in my inbox is from sista’s anxious about healing with other sista’s. This is usually the result of mother wounds, colorism bullying and/or internalised racism. In this live, I share some compassionate tools to help you take the next steps to safe healing with your sista’s. Click […]
Can’t love, won’t love? ?
Sometimes we tie ourselves in knots, trying to make sense of the reason why those who said they loved us couldn’t follow through. Is it me? What did I do? Why can’t they love me ? Sometimes we’re so desperate to be loved that we think abandoning ourselves some more will bring them closer. Truth is, […]
Should you join the Sacred Sista Sanctuary mastermind?
It would be easy for me to give 1000 reasons why joining the Sacred Sista Sanctuary mastermind is great, but hearing it from someone who has got so much out of it hits different. In this weeks live, I share more in depth about how the sacred space is helping so many sista’s like what […]