This session was another fire experience where the goddesses of the round table explore the challenging of sister relationships. We talk about boundaries, jealousy, how to get more support from your community and so much more. Enjoy!
The Power of Black Sistahood
In these times of intense stress, it’s easy to get trapped in compulsive problem solving. Our survival energy is ramped up so we use it’s charge for intense busyness to release anxiety and feelings of powerlessness. When I began creating the mastermind, I was obsessed with making sure there was lots of rich content with tools […]
The Importance of Sistahood.
Last Sunday I was honored to be part of a new venture called Goddesses of the Round Table. This space was held by 7 light workers, healers and therapists to talk about current issues impacting our community. In the session we talk about the importance of sistahood and related topics around the mother wound, shame, […]