Step 2: Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Many of us have lost hope under the oppressive grind of white supremacy. You don’t trust anyone who looks like you because of the recycled family trauma.
You also don’t trust white people because they consciously and unconsciously act out, refine and maintain the system of racism. So we survive this mess through compulsive self-reliance. ‘I can be badass all by myself!’
Truth is, we’re wired for connection and all this ‘independent’ talk is really code for, ‘I’m scared to trust.’ Trust calls for a willingness to be vulnerable and being vulnerable triggers the pain of our early betrayals.
In recovery step 2, this is the beginning of learning to trust again. We start to give up control and become willing to build a new relationship with our Higher Self. A process of spiritual and racial intimacy that evolves over time.
This is done by breaking down the step words ‘Came to believe.’
First we, ‘came.’ We show up at meetings, call our sponsor, outreach with our brotha’s and sista’s and do the race related step work.
Second we, ‘came to.’ Our melanin magic awakens as we begin to experience the power of racial sobriety.
Third we, ‘came to believe.’ We begin to restore Maat (balance and harmony) as the empowerment process takes root inside how we show up in the world.
Today, I will remember that I am spiritual being having a human experience.
Affirmation: I am willing to trust the greater power within myself.