Many of us as black women have a painful relationship with anger because we don’t want to be associated with aggression and/or abuse. It’s not easy dealing with the oppressive intersection of race and gender so it makes sense why so many of us don’t know how to manage our intense rage. If used appropriately, […]
Author: Sacred Sista Assistant
5 Personality types from childhood abandonment.
If you were raised in a home where caregivers were physically or emotionally absent, this will have an impact on the dynamics in your relationships. In this week’s book club we explore chapter 5 from, ‘What mama couldn’t tell us about love’ which is all about the impact of abandonment through 5 personality traits. In […]
‘I’m stuck in negative thinking!’
Without a safe space to process, many of us have buried difficult feelings for years. Therefore, it makes sense that our negative thinking is the emotional leaking out of a difficult past. An important part of the healing process is understanding that it’s not linear. There is no golden destination and sometimes there will be […]
How to enjoy the healing process.
Often times, the healing process is dominated by unpacking our pain, trauma and the challenges of daily living. However, an important part of the journey is being able to enjoy your growth in the present as well as learning from the past and planning your future. In this session, I share 3 ways to enjoy […]
How to practice black mindfulness.
With the racist backlash from England losing the football, there is understandably a lot of intense rage and stress from our community at the treatment of these black players. Mindfulness is an important tool for processing difficult emotions but often the cultural context gets missed in the conversation. In this session, I share 5 principles […]