I have a FREE challenge that teaches you how to start living your blackalicious life called,
‘7 Days of Revolutionary Black Self Love’
As a result of the great feedback I’ve had from my empowerment community, I’m giving you a sneek peek inside each day of the course! Yaaasss.
I teach about defining black self love, the power of self compassion, finding the courage to change, the transition from self hate to self love, negative thinking and the dysfunctional code of silence keeping us enslaved.
There are also bonuses and opportunities as a new subscriber to buy my signature program
‘How I reclaimed My Blackness From Self Hate to Self Love,’ at a reduced rate!
Be part of the solution to produce justice and live your blackalicious life.
Listen to your sneak peep inside the course below.
Sign up for your FREE course below, today.
‘7 Days of Revolutionary Black Self Love’
Till next time!
With blackalicious love
June x
Healing From Racism Through Personal Empowerment and Racial Sobriety.