Hey Fam, The conversation continues about the 7 Keys To Black Empowerment. The 4th key is to understand your wound. How do you manage your pain? Are you avoiding the responsibility of your own healing by blaming others or obsessing about the white man. This session is all about the importance of staying in your […]
Category: PODCASTS
YOG30: The 7 Keys to Black Empowerment: #3 Understand Racism.
Greetings Fam, Today, I’m continuing our conversation about the 7 keys to black empowerment. The 3rd key is to study our enemy. In order heal, we must understand racism. This session will teach you WHAT racism is through the work of Mr Neely Fuller, and WHY racism is here through the work of Dr Francis […]
YOG29: The 7 Keys to Black Empowerment: #2 Use Your Tools.
Many of us are not taught emotional literacy in our families because survival is the default way of being. Feelings are not allowed so you deny, suppress, numb out and react whenever you feel unsafe. Emotional sobriety is our ability to feel and cope with our emotions. This helps us to respond instead of reacting to […]
YOG27: The Power of Black Mindfulness with Faith Agugu.
Greetings Family, With the hustle and bustle of the holidays along the juggernaut of white supremacy, it’s important to be able to stay present to what is going on internally. This week, I’m happy to be sharing the podcast space with Faith Agugu. A compassionate, holistic counselor and healer who’s generous with her wisdom on […]
YOG26:10 Ways to Manage Black Pain
Greetings Family, The reason why so many of us struggle under the system of white supremacy, is because we don’t understand our pain or what to do with it. When we’re triggered by all the racist aggression, we deny, avoid and stuff down the emotions in order to cope with the abuse and feelings of […]
YOG25: 15 Reasons Why Black Self Love is Important.
Greetings Family, I’m so happy to be hearing a lot more Sista’s talking about practicing black self love. It means that a lot more of us are being vocal about our vulnerabilities, and the need to take better care of ourselves. I don’t want the concept of self care to just become the latest buzz […]
YOG24: Wanna Peep Inside the Free Black Self Love Challenge?
Greetings, I have a FREE challenge that teaches you how to start living your blackalicious life called, ‘7 Days of Revolutionary Black Self Love’ As a result of the great feedback I’ve had from my empowerment community, I’m giving you a sneek peek inside each day of the course! Yaaasss. I teach about defining black […]
YOG23: Addiction, Pain and Recovery Solutions.
Greetings Fam, Yesterday, was the anniversary of my brothers death. After many years of using drugs and alcohol, his body gave up on 6 November 2012. He was 46 years old. In today’s podcast, I share how the impact of his death keeps me committed to SLAYING in recovery and serving my community. How do you define addiction? […]
YOG22: Black History Month, Men and Self Love with Kehryse Johnson.
It’s the last few days of Black History Month in the UK and I’ve saved the best for last! Today, I dive deep into discussion with Kehryse Johnson, beauty editor of Glam Africa magazine. We chat about Black history at the Black Cultural Archives in Brixton, racism in the beauty industry, black men, feminism […]
YOG21: Are You Addicted To Misery?
Greetings Family, Has pain become your only friend? Is there a deeper pay off for holding onto your pain and drama? How does this enable own oppression as a community? In today’s episode, I explore how pain and childhood chaos can create a ‘comfortable,’ addictive cycle of more pain and chaos. I also share about […]