The Power of Reciprocity. 17/30 live stream challenge.

One of the reasons why so many of us are suffering is because we are in situations that are not reciprocal. We are surrounded by people and places who gorge on our energy leaving us feeling drained, resentful and untrusting. In this live I talk about the principle of reciprocity that the ancient goddess Ma’at tells us is essential for our personal and collective growth.


‘I don’t know what my needs are?’ 16/30 Live stream challenge.

Many of the clients I work with are unable to say what they want because they are unclear about what they need. They often say that no one had ever asked them before so I often get blank faces and long pauses as the reality of not understanding or knowing what their needs are hit home. This is always an aha moment for me because it means that conversations going forward will begin the unravelling of them seeing themselves with a new sense of curiosity about want they want. In this live I talk about the importance of stepping back to explore your needs so you can step forward and claim what you deserve with clarity.

The Art of Receiving Retreat. Windrush Early bird!! £25 V £30 14/30 Live stream Challenge.

Many of us are locked in a cycle of shame, deprivation and people pleasing as a result of unmet childhood needs. This pattern along with living inside systems of oppression makes it extremely difficult to experience joy, pleasure and abundance in our lives. In this live I talk about the half day retreat I’m hosting where we’ll unpack these issues with immersive explorations and practical tools for abundant living. Go to to join us.


The impact of Windrush in therapy. #Windrush75 13/30 Live stream challenge.

On this day 75 years ago, the Empire Windrush came to the UK with people from the Caribbean to help rebuild this country after the war. Many made a lot of sacrifices leaving their children back home with hope of building better life. However, the fantasy propaganda that brought them here was very different from the reality of broken families, a hostile welcome from racists and the scandal that betrayed  many of our elders up to this day. In this live I share about the secret history of grief and loss that I often see in clients from the impact of Windrush.