How does slavery continue to destroy secure childhood attachment today?

Chattel slavery kept mothers and babies in bondage for centuries, so it’s important to explore how it still impacts our community today. Frederick Douglass was an iconic African American abolitionist, writer, speaker, and statesman. Born into slavery in Talbot County,  Maryland around 1818, he escaped in 1838 and became one of the leading voices in the fight against slavery and injustice. In his book, ‘Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass, An American Slave.’ he speaks on enslaved mothers.

‘My mother and I were separated when I was but an infant, before I knew her as my mother. It is a common custom in the part of Maryland to part children from their mothers at a very early age. Frequently before the child has reached its twelfth month, its mother is taken from it, and hired out on some farm a considerable distance off, and the child is placed under the care of an old woman, too old for field labor. For what this separation is done, I do not know, unless it be to hinder the development of the child’s affection toward its mother, and to blunt and destroy the natural affection of the mother for the child.’

Enslaved mothers were also forbidden to breastfeed their own children in order to wet nurse the enslavers children. This plantation pattern may contribute to the research which shows black women in the UK and the US breastfeed less than other groups today. These early broken attachments along with the constant threat of being abused, sold or killed during enslavement kept both parents and their children traumatised and therefore unable to form healthy attachments.

Without support, the attachment wounds will continue to play out intergenerationally until someone in the family steps up to do the inner work to end the cycle of attachment pain in their own relationships and parenting. Are you ready to do the deeper inner work?

TBS16: Compassionate Parenting And The 3 Truths Behind Why We Still Whup Our Children.


In today’s show, I share 3 reasons why we still justify beating our children. I also reveal how compassionate parenting can help us stop. Details of the show includes:

Why I was scared to become a parent.
How and why we disconnect from our bodies.
Why we can’t admit that our parents were abusive.
Whupping black children is white supremacy on auto pilot.
Recovery, therapy and compassionate parenting.
 Enjoy x

Click here to listen to this weeks session.

Don’t miss an episode!

If you have any feedback, comments or questions ask me here.

If you would like to work with me you can find out more here.

Links, books and authors mentioned in this episode:

Dr Stacey Patton’s Website

Spare the kids.

Previous podcasts.

Racism and recovery for beginners

Attachment and the family.

Codependency and detaching with love. 

You can find lots of literature about racial wellness, addiction, and the 12 step recovery process in the link below in the recovery/addiction category:

#racialsobriety #theblacksteps #recovery #sobriety #racism #whitesupremacy #blackempowerment #blackgirlmagic  #racialintimacy  #thetwelvesteps


TBS14: Honoring Dr Welsing’s Birthday with Gus T Renegade from C.O.W.S. Radio.

Brothas and Sista’s,

I am so excited for you today because it’s The Black Steps first interview and a legendary one at that!

In this episode, I am humbled to be chatting with Gus T Renegade from C.O.W.S  (Context of White Supremacy) radio show to honor the birthday of the late, great, counter racist scientist, Dr Francis Cress-Welsing. For those of you who are unaware of her and her work, I did a previous episode about her here.

In this show we talk about her legacy, their friendship and women behind the Isis Papers book. I also find out a little more about Gus the black man, and his views on how we can continue to empower ourselves under the system of white supremacy.

There are a lot of notes, books and references which I have captured below.

Enjoy x

Click here to listen to this weeks session.

Links, books and authors mentioned in this episode:

Sabrina Johnson COWS radio show appearance.

Dr Welsing birthday tribute event.

Saturday March 18th 2017

Thurgood Marshall Centre

Washington DC



C.O.W.S radio iTunes link

C.O.W.S episode with Dr Welsing regarding the Charleston Massacre with white supremacist Dylan Roof.

Dr Welsing and the Trump presidency prediction.

Dr Welsing sharing her views on cannabis.

Dr Martin Kevorkian 

All the book references from are in an empowerment sheet. Just enter your email address and get them with all the links to buy directly from Amazon.







Black self care e-book for discharging racial stress.

12 Step Recovery for beginners.

Mr H fox YouTube channel



COWS email address :


Don’t miss another episode!

If you have any feedback, comments or questions ask me here.

If you would like to work with me you can find out more here.

You can find lots more literature about racial wellness, addiction, and the 12 step recovery process in the link below in the recovery/addiction category:

#racialsobriety #theblacksteps #recovery #sobriety #racism #whitesupremacy #blackempowerment #blackgirlmagic  #racialintimacy  #thetwelvesteps

TBS12: Is Racism A Mental Illness?

Greetings Family,

In today’s show, I explore racism and narcissism as it relates to the 9 diagnostic traits in European psychology. Details of the content are as follows:

Why I want to explore the link between racism and narcissism.

The 9 diagnostic psychotherapy traits of narcissism.

5 summarised narcissistic characteristics of white supremacy.

1: The constant need for admiration.

-The brainwashing in education.

-The super hero media fantasy.

-Narcissistic supply and withdrawal.

2: Grandiosity.

– White superiority.

– 1974 Interview with Dr Francis Cress-Welsing and Dr William Shockley about white supremacy and her 1969 theory of colour confrontation.

3: Lack of empathy

– Defining empathy.

– Jane Elliot exposes white denial.

– The pain of white silence.

– 3 types of white supremacist.

4: Take advantage of others.

– Economic disadvantages and power.

5: Being envious of others.

– Love the culture, hate the people.

What’s the solution?

Empowerment affirmations.



Don’t Miss an Episode!


Click here to listen to this weeks session.

If you have any feedback, comments or questions ask me here.

If you would like to work with me you can find out more here.

Links, books and authors mentioned in this episode:

9 diagnostic traits of narcissism.

The black Statue of Liberty

The amazing, eye opening, full interview with Dr Welsing and Dr Shockley.

Dr Welsing’s book The Isis Papers

The Help


Jane Elliot

You can find lots of literature about racial wellness, addiction, and the 12 step recovery process in the link below in the recovery/addiction category:

#racialsobriety #theblacksteps #recovery #sobriety #racism #whitesupremacy #blackempowerment #blackgirlmagic  #racialintimacy  #thetwelvesteps #narcissism

5 Loving ways to manage racial stress.



In my previous post, I shared Jesse William’s powerful speech from the BET music awards, where he shared the unapologetic truth about our black pain. Many felt empowered at being acknowledged on such a public platform, and his speech along with our appreciation went viral. However like clockwork, it didn’t take long for white supremacy to slap the hope out of our mouths, with an onslaught of black male murders, committed by racist white law enforcement. This erupted into violence, where officers were also killed in the fall out.

As I send virtual condolences to the families of the deceased, I am also deeply concerned about the impact of the video murders of Alton Sterling, and Philandro Castile on our black psyches. One of the most valuable commodities in maintaining white supremacy, is our ongoing traumatisation and emotional abuse. When we remain in this confused state, it’s much easier for us to be manipulated and controlled on mass.

I chose not to watch any of the videos, because seeing my people killed with impunity is to upsetting, and I need to be as present as possible in order to be productive. It’s hard enough that I’ve been trying to finish this post for the last 2 days, but my insomnia and the daily rise in dead bodies meant that I needed to just surrender to being human, and take some time to collect myself, before coming back with something supportive from an emotionally sober place. Now that I have refueled a bit, I’m sharing 5 simple tools to help you manage your racial stress.

Process not projection.

When we’re exposed to this trauma, we can feel powerless, angry and numb as a consequence of the initial racist abuse, and then the secondary social abandonment. Our body reacts to this emotional violence, by generating the energy which prepares us for a fight or flight response. If this is not discharged, it can end up being negatively recycled and projected unconsciously into our closest relationships. This means that our heightened state may cause more irrational responses towards our loved ones. We may also feel resentment, mistrust and anxiety around other white people in our personal and/or professional circles. These feelings are all completely normal, and if we’re able to be honest with ourselves whilst practicing the other tools, we’re less likely to act on them in a destructive way.

Discharge the energy.

Discharging this energy involves doing an activity which will help to process and move the stress outside the body. When I woke up this morning, I was exhausted from very little sleep and still feeling anxious and emotionally numb. However, after 30 mins of Jamaican style movement to some banging Afrobeats, I felt a lot more present and willing to engage the day. Other suggestions include,

  1. Punching pillows or the bed (in private). Set a timer for 1 min, and fill up the time. When I do this exercise, I also like to picture someone who represents my upset. May I appropriately suggest Donald Trump or for my UK people suffering after the rise is racist attacks after Brexit, you can use Nigel Farage or Boris Johnson. Pick what works for you and pound it out. You’ll finish exhausted, but so much lighter.
  2. Take long, deep, conscious breaths for 3 mins and visualise the negative energy leaving your body.
  3. Rage journaling is where you allow yourself to do some free flow writing about your feelings, cussin’ to the max when necessary! Finish off with some slow breaths and a gratitude entry.

Self – Soothing

Self soothing techniques can really help the recovery process, as you consciously practice behaviors which will reconnect you to yourself. This self care is about self-compassion, being gentle in the same way you would a young child. Use each of your 5 senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch) and right a list of your favorite things to build a  self-soothing toolkit. You will recognise a lot of these simple techniques, but to practice them more consciously will empower you inside this system of powerlessness.    


Discharge (5)


Community spaces, particularly at this traumatic time are incredibly important. Choose one that feels safe with people you trust to share feelings and give support. Religious organisations and culturally specific support or recovery groups can be great resources to find help and explore your feelings. Community empathy from your tribe can be very healing and great for processing our collective grief.


Our personal boundaries mean that we can identify and communicate clearly what is acceptable to us. At this vulnerable time, the natural reaction may be to withdraw and protect ourselves emotionally and psychologically, so understanding where the boundaries are, are an essential part of the healing. It will also help to have an honest discussion with your family about how you will deal with this, and be clear on where your boundaries are as a unit. Consider carefully where your triggers are regarding social media and take a break if needed.

In closing, Jesse Williams explained that ,‘it is not the job of the oppressed to comfort the bystander,’ so if you need to take some temporary time away from your white friendships, give yourself permission to do so. You are under no obligation to justify or engage in conversation about your boundaries with any white supremacist, ‘all lives matter,’ ‘not all white people,’ ‘what about black on black crime,’ ‘not all cops,’ ‘yeah, but he should have moved his right foot,’ rhetoric, which are clear deflections from the truth about the war on black people. It’s your pain, your choice.

Be tender with yourself, till next time

In Service
