Greetings, I have a FREE challenge that teaches you how to start living your blackalicious life called, ‘7 Days of Revolutionary Black Self Love’ As a result of the great feedback I’ve had from my empowerment community, I’m giving you a sneek peek inside each day of the course! Yaaasss. I teach about defining black […]
Tag: White Supremacy
TBS19: Are You Afraid Of Being Visible?
Greetings Family, In today’s episode, I explore the reason why so many of us find it so hard to show up and be visible in the world. Topics include: Black Shame Spirituality and withdrawal. The power of mirroring in black business. The right to belong. Challenging white authority in college. Be empowered! Don’t miss […]
TBS16: Compassionate Parenting And The 3 Truths Behind Why We Still Whup Our Children.
In today’s show, I share 3 reasons why we still justify beating our children. I also reveal how compassionate parenting can help us stop. Details of the show includes: Why I was scared to become a parent. How and why we disconnect from our bodies. Why we can’t admit that our parents were abusive. […]
TBS15: Recovery Step 3 – Are White People Your Higher Power?
Greetings family, In this show, I explore how the image of white Jesus and the religion of white supremacy (Christianity) maintains a spiritually abusive power dynamic where white people have become our Higher Power. In 12 step recovery, step 3 is when we, ‘Made the decision to turn our will and our lives over […]
TBS14: Honoring Dr Welsing’s Birthday with Gus T Renegade from C.O.W.S. Radio.
Brothas and Sista’s, I am so excited for you today because it’s The Black Steps first interview and a legendary one at that! In this episode, I am humbled to be chatting with Gus T Renegade from C.O.W.S (Context of White Supremacy) radio show to honor the birthday of the late, great, counter racist scientist, […]
TBS12: Is Racism A Mental Illness?
Greetings Family, In today’s show, I explore racism and narcissism as it relates to the 9 diagnostic traits in European psychology. Details of the content are as follows: Why I want to explore the link between racism and narcissism. The 9 diagnostic psychotherapy traits of narcissism. 5 summarised narcissistic characteristics of white supremacy. 1: The […]
TBS11: Recovery Step 2: Being Restored To Sanity By A Loving Higher Parent.
Greetings Family, I hope the day finds you well. This week, I am sharing my experience hope and tools in recovery step 2. Details include: Introducing recovery step 3. The challenge of trust. Waking up. How and where does your Higher Power shows up? Letting go of a judgmental God. Racial insanity. Are you […]
TBS10: 3 Ways To Practice Revolutionary Self Compassion.
Greetings Family, In this episode, I share 3 empowering ways to practice revolutionary self compassion. Details discussed are as follows: What is self compassion? Why does it matter? Why is it hard for us to practice self compassion? How racism, (white supremacy) feeds our self abandonment. Racist projection Amos Wilson defines projection The 3 tools […]
TBS08: Racism and 12 Step Recovery For Beginners
Greetings Mindful Yardie’s, I hope the day finds you well. If you’ve been curious about me always chatting about recovery and want to know more, this show is for you. In this episode, I share how working the 12 step recovery process can be used to understand who we are and manage our racial pain. #knowthyself I […]
TBS05: Understanding Racial Pain With Mindfulness Part 1
Greetings Mindful Yardie’s, I hope the day finds you well. In today’s show I share on one of four layers of racial pain, the four layers are; 1/ Internalised racism and the relationship with self. 2/ Recycled trauma within our family of origin 3/ Community pain and the silence, enabling racial codependency which feeds the system. […]