Happy International Reggae Day Fam! With both my parents from Jamaica, it makes sense for me to fly the flag hard for it’s amazing influence on reggae culture. The first time I fell in love with reggae was hearing the soundtrack from the film The Harder they come with Jimmy Cliff and Toots and the […]
It Takes a Village?
#juneslovenotes Last Sunday was my second guest appearance on Goddesses of the Round Table with 6 other black women. The topic was The Mother Wound which brought up some difficult, but powerful conversations. One of the sistas talked about the concept of healing through the African proverb, ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’ Whilst I love the idea […]
Don’t throw people away?
#juneslovenotes Many of us experience pain in our families where denial has been the super glue bonding the dysfunction. When you make the decision to do the inner work, enabling sick family patterns is no longer an option. Your shedding the mask that kept you ‘safe’ in honor of discovering your new, true authentic self. As […]
The Importance of Sistahood.
Last Sunday I was honored to be part of a new venture called Goddesses of the Round Table. This space was held by 7 light workers, healers and therapists to talk about current issues impacting our community. In the session we talk about the importance of sistahood and related topics around the mother wound, shame, […]
It’s My 10th Sobriety Birthday!10 Things I’ve Learned.
Greetings, the 2nd June is my 10 year sobriety birthday and I’m so grateful! It’s been a rollercoster of pain, incite, lessons, healing and growth and I wouldn’t change any of it! It’s made me proud of who I am today! I this session, I’m sharing 10 lessons I’ve learned. Racism is an addiction […]
Hey family, I hope you are well and keeping safe. I don’t know about you but my sleep has been all over the place since this pandemic started so in this live stream I share the tools I use to improve my zzzzzzeddds. Bedroom: Is it messy? Do you take work in there? Make sure […]
Mindfulness in the Madness.
With all the insanity around the #coronavirus I wanted to take some time to practice some mindfulness. Enjoy and stay well!
YOG53: The Black Women is God!
It’s International Women’s Day on 9th March, so I’m reminding you in this podcast how badass black women are!
YOG52: Life’s To Short?
‘Life’s to short,’ is a phrase we hear often when sickness and/or bereavement draws close. We question our mortality and reflect on the regrets and reconciliations we want to clean up in order to live our best selves with whatever time we have left. In this session June reflects on 3 layers to consider before […]
YOG51: Keep it Simple.
‘Keep it simple,’ is one of the classic slogans used in 12 step recovery when things get tough. In this podcast episode, June shares some tools to help you keep things super simple in the midst of overwhelm, frustration and limited time. [selz link=”https://selz.co/Nk9Zo-By-” button_text=”Buy it now” show_logos=”true” background_color=”#7959c7″ text_color=”#ffffff” link_color=”#7959c7″ chbg_color=”#7959c7″ chtx_color=”#ffffff” type=”widget” interact=”modal”]